I have an exciting update for you, about the Cody Musket series! You may remember the prediction I made when I first featured him here.
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Click here to see Part 1 on Amazon |
"I fully expect this author to have the
"best-selling" prefix added to his name shortly
with the release of his book!
I read it, loved it, and think you will too! " Lisa Smith
This is where I get to say "I told you so!" My prediction was correct!
This award-winning, #1 Amazon best-selling author has written a new chapter for us, Knoxi's World. In this part of the saga, Knoxi has practically grown-up, and is still involved in the same page-turning adventures you have come to expect from this heroic family.
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Click here to see Part 2 on Amazon |
James Miller's debut series No Pit So Deep - The Cody Musket Story, was written as fiction, but based on real heart-stopping events that he masterfully wove around a strong but vulnerable couple, and one smart and savvy young girl, with God at the helm of their epic adventures.
Part 2 took us even deeper into their relationship with each other and their dependence on God, while Knoxi showed her great faith and courage in the most dire of circumstances.
Now, in part 3, Knoxi is once again in the middle of a life and death situation. She is smart and courageous, but will that be enough to get her through this?
Excerpts from Part 3, Knoxi's World
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Click to see Knoxi's World on Amazon |
A deafening applause erupted as the
coach now confirmed the rumor that had been circulating all week — Knoxi Musket
would soon play basketball for the Lady Longhorns. Texas University T-shirts
with Knoxi’s facial image imprinted had already appeared around campus.
Knoxi’s head was exploding with
each heartbeat. The cold gun barrel against her right temple and the huge left
hand choking her windpipe darkened her vision. She could hear the triggerman’s
teeth grinding. Was he as nervous as she?
Knoxi folded her hands. “So, you’re the mouthpiece for the
corporate elite? You help them stay above the law? How does a brilliant man
like you consider himself free?”
“Look, the corporate elites pay me big because they need a
mouthpiece to tell their side. They call me their wiseguy. Like I said, Knoxi,
don’t be a fool. Just walk away.” He leaned back, stuck the cigar between his
teeth again, and crossed his arms. “So, aren’t you gonna quote the Bible verse
that says, ‘What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his
own soul?’”
“No, Rolfe. You
already know that verse.” She headed for the door, stopped, and looked back.
“Frankly, I would rather be a fool for Jesus than a wiseguy for somebody else.”
The reservoir was nowhere in sight,
her altimeter showed less than 300 feet. They were going to crash. As the
reality took her, she heard familiar words in her mind: “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no
evil, for You are with me.”
“Oh, God. This is not a good night
to die. For the children, for the little one on board, for the sake of —”
Suddenly, a deep male voice
interrupted her thoughts. “A little crowded in this cockpit, isn’t it?”
She startled and swiveled her head
right and left but saw nothing. Where had the voice come from? I imagined it, right?
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Click to see Knoxi's World on Amazon |
About the Author
In the 70s and 80s after college, I wrote and performed contemporary Christian music as Jimmy Miller. (Several songs made the charts.) As a pilot, I logged in 8,000 hours in the air, and owned several aircraft businesses which have been involved in ministry support throughout the world. It was a complete surprise to me that I would become an author!
The summer of 2017 the Cody Musket novel series was dead in the water. It had made a nice run, but after one year, sales had finally flattened. Had it simply run its course? My series stood at only two books, and I decided against writing a third. The motivation wasn’t there. My prayer was, “God, if You still have a use for this series, I’m waiting on You to move. I can do nothing else.”
Suddenly, in late summer, things began to happen. Book one was awarded a bronze medal in the 2017 Readers Favorite International Book Awards! Amazon pronounced it a #1 Best-seller in three categories, and reviews began to roll in from several continents.
With this answer to prayer, I was motivated to write a third book, Knoxi's World. This installment begins where the second ended, but this third book has an added intrigue. Knoxi, who was less than two years old in Book 1, has now come of age, and the story focuses around her as she carries the Cody Musket legacy into the next generation.
Knoxi’s World, blends Biblical Christianity with next-level technology and depicts how Kingdom-minded believers who are bold, adventurous and committed can impact the world even in a futuristic culture.
Find his books on the Amazon links below.
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Click to see Part 1 on Amazon |
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Click to see Part 2 on Amazon |
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Click to see Part 3 on Amazon |
All three on Kindle here
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