Saturday, August 20, 2016

Walk in Righteousness

“But immorality or any impurity or greed
must not even be named among you,
as is proper among saints;
and there must be no filthiness
and silly talk, or coarse jesting,
which are not fitting,
but rather giving of thanks.”
Ephesians 5:3,4

Dear Father,
By paying for my sin debt with the precious life of Jesus, You redeemed me out of a life tainted with sin. I confess that I allow immorality to seep back into my life in the form of greed or silly talk and other things that are not fitting or proper for a child of Yours. Forgive my tendency to walk into the trap of my enemy and follow his worldly ideals.

I long to walk in a manner worthy of being a joint heir with Jesus. My desire is that my mind, and soul, and thoughts, and words, and actions all be in obedience to You and Your will. I want my life to be such that no one will even think I am participating in any type of impurity. Let my ears not even listen to coarse or silly talk. Instead, may my thoughts be of You and Your love - Your love that bought me, and Your love that I need to be sharing.

Father, You alone can lead me in paths of righteousness. Today, I will set my steps to follow You. Today, no matter what the circumstance, I will listen to You and obey You.  Restrain me from anything I am tempted to do that is unfitting. I thank You and honor and glorify You for molding me into that which I cannot be without You.

I pray in Jesus’ precious and holy name.

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C.O.F.F.E.E. with God, a book of devotions like this, coming soon. 
Some free samples here.

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