Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Meet Christian Author, Debbie Wilson

Author Debbie W. Wilson
Debbie describes herself as "an ordinary woman who has experienced an extraordinary God. Drawing from my personal walk with Christ, twenty-four years as a Christian counselor, and decades as a Bible teacher, I speak and write to help others discover relevant faith."

"When I decided to explore publishing I attended a Christian writer’s conference and took a couple of classes through their guild. I majored in nutrition in college and served on the staff of Cru (formally Campus Crusade for Christ) after graduation."

"I love interior design, reading good mysteries, and walks on the beach in the spring and fall (when it isn’t too hot and sticky!). My two standard poodles keep me entertained. My husband and I founded a Christian non-profit, Lighthouse Ministries, in 1991. While I no longer work as a counselor, I still coach, mentor, teach Bible studies, and write a weekly blog for it. We count our two grown children as our best friends."

Her nonfiction book Little Women, Big God: It’s not the size of your problems, but the size of your God  looks at the five women Matthew listed in Jesus’ genealogy. "Using my background as a counselor and Bible teacher I relate their challenges to ours."

"Readers will relate to Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary as they face failure, loss, betrayal, and a murderous hunt. They will discover God’s care for ordinary women and how He uses human weakness and failure as an opportunity to reveal His strength and grace. They also have an opportunity to record God’s faithfulness in their own journey of faith and see how everyday women who walk with Christ have meaningful stories worth telling."

"Thought-provoking questions and insights reveal how to apply faith when walking through grief, selecting a mate, facing rejection and temptation, and forgiving oneself and one’s enemies. These women show us that faith in a big God is life’s only unshakable foundation."

"The lessons resonated with women every time I taught it. So I decided to see if a publisher would be interested in it. At first, publishers wanted it to be a regular non-fiction book. Finally my agent found Leafwood Publishers who liked it as a Bible study."

What do you want your readers to take away from it?
Jesus is bigger than any problem we’ll ever face. Nothing is too difficult for Him!


Debbie W. Wilson

I welcome questions and comments at my blog and try to address the issues brought up in future posts or emails. I hope to do some videos or youtubes to augment the study.
Your readers my also be interested in my other Bible study Give Yourself a Break.      
twitter: @debbiewwilson,

Below is an excerpt from Ruth. I also invite your readers to download a free chapter at
Weeding Out Mr. Wrong
Barbara Nicolosi said her mother continually gave her the following reasons not to get married: “(1) Because you are bored; (2) Because you want to get out of the house; (3) Because you think you can save him; (4) Because you are curious about sex; (5) Because you are pregnant.”10 Here are [is one of] five keys to choosing a great mate.
Character or Chemistry
“Should I date the men I’m attracted to or the ones with solid character?” My young client didn’t think she could have both.
I believe you can have both. But character trumps chemistry every time. Attraction can grow, but character is hard to change. Looks alter with wear and time. And remember, the Bible says, “Charm is deceitful.” The person we marry will affect us—and our whole family—for the rest of our lives. It’s wise to consider where the character of the person we date will take us in the years to come. Let me illustrate.
We were building our house in Raleigh when Hurricane Fran tore through North Carolina. We climbed into bed in our apartment expecting to dodge the worst of it. We woke up to devastation on a level I’d never seen before. Seventeen large pines mercifully missed my son’s bedroom while he slept. The foundation of the house we were building, which we’d so carefully placed between two large oak trees, was filled with a hundred-year-old fallen beauty.
We fell asleep sending up prayers for our neighbors in South Carolina, thinking we were safe. We awoke to crashing trees and howling winds, smack dab in the middle of Fran. How could the weather forecasters have been so off? We learned that, far out in the ocean, the hurricane had moved north—just a few degrees. A few degrees doesn’t seem like it would make much of a difference. But a few degrees extended over hundreds of miles put the hurricane in a different state.
What is true for storms is also true for people. A few degrees off in character extended over several years can put people in a different state of being from who we thought they were. 
Who is the person beneath the charm?
Excerpted from Little Women, Big God: It’s not the size of your problems, but the size of your God.
10. Barbara Nicolosi, “Mom Was Right,” Church of the Masses, May 11, 2014


Find Little Women BIG GOD at these online retailers 
Barnes and Noble      
Christian Book Distributors

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